

Global database cache available in over 280 locations with built-in connection pooling
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Up to x1000 faster database queries

with a global cache and scalable connection pooling for Serverless appsTest Accelerate's speed


Reduce your database query latency to as little as 5ms and decrease the load on your database.


Accelerate provides a fully managed connection pool allowing you to scale your application with ease.

Cache control

Accelerate extends your Prisma Client with an intuitive API offering granular control over established caching patterns on a per-query basis.

Database + Accelerate

~5 ms

response time

Database BalloonServers BalloonClient BalloonAcceelerate Caching Balloon

Connection Pooling

Accelerate features a reliable and scalable connection pool for serverless and edge environments. Avoid exhausting your database connections and ensure efficient delivery of all your requests to your users.


Prisma Accelerate is priced based on usage. Choose the right plan for your workspace based on your project requirements.

Explore our plans

Frequently asked questionsFAQs

What are the requirements for Prisma Accelerate?
A project using Prisma ORM 4.16.1 or newer with a publicly accessible database.
Does Prisma Accelerate work in edge runtimes?
Prisma Accelerate has seamless support for edge runtimes such as Cloudflare Workers and Vercel Edge Functions.
Does Accelerate support static IP?
Yes, static IP is available on our Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans. Take a look at our setup guide to see how to enable it for your project.

Try Prisma Accelerate

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